1. Inspect the heater core for damage, cracks, and water leakage.
If there is any malfunction, replace the heater core.
2. Visually inspect the fins for bending.
If there is any bending, use the end of a flathead screwdriver to straighten the fins.
3. Visually inspect the heater hose for deformation.
Repair with pliers if there is deformation. If there is any malfunction, replace the heater core.
Smart City Brake Support
The Smart City Brake Support (SCBS) system is designed to reduce damage in
the event
of a collision by operating the brake control (SCBS brake) when the system's
laser sensor
(front) detects a vehicle ahead and determines that a collision with a vehicle
ahead is
unavoidable. It may also be ...
M Position Switch Inspection [Fw6 A EL]
Continuity Inspection
The M position switch is built into the selector lever component.
1. Remove the battery cover..
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable..
3. Remove the console..
4. Disconnect the selector lever component connector.
5. Verify that the continuit ...
Liftgate/Trunk Lid
Never allow a person to ride in the
luggage compartment/trunk:
Allowing a person to ride in the
luggage compartment/trunk is
dangerous. The person in the luggage
compartment/trunk could be seriously
injured or killed during sudden braking
or a collision.
D ...