Mazda 3 manuals

Mazda 3 Service Manual: Drive Shaft Inspection

Mazda 3 Service Manual / Drivetrain / Driveline / Driveshafts / Drive Shaft Inspection

1. Inspect the connections for any looseness.

2. Inspect the dust boot for damage and cracks.

3. Move the spline and joint up and down, left and right by hand and verify that there is no excessive play.

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1. Disassemble in the order indicated in the table. 2. Assemble in the reverse order of disassembly. 1 Boot band (transaxle side) (See Boot Band (Transaxle Side) Dis ...

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CAUTION: Performing the following procedures without first removing the ABS wheel-speed sensor may possibly cause an open circuit in the wiring harness if it is pulled by mistake. Before ...

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