1. Remove the aerodynamic under cover No.2 and splash shield as a single unit..
2. Rotate the drive belt auto tensioner in the direction shown in the figure and remove the drive belt.
3. Install the drive belt.
4. Verify that the drive belt auto tensioner indicator mark does not exceed the limit..
5. Install the aerodynamic under cover No.2 and splash shield as a single unit..
Safety Practices
The way you drive has a great deal to do with your tire mileage and safety.
So cultivate good
driving habits for your own benefit.
Observe posted speed limits and drive at speeds that are safe for
the existing weather
Avoid fast starts, stops and turns
Avoid potholes and o ...
Flywheel Inspection [C66 M R]
1. Remove the flywheel..
2. Perform the following procedures to inspect the flywheel.
If there is any malfunction or it exceeds the maximum specification, replace
the flywheel..
a. Inspect the surface that contacts the clutch disc for scratches, nicks, and
Brake Switch Inspection
Inspect the brake switch with it installed to the brake pedal, otherwise
the brake switch may not operate normally. If the brake switch is removed from
the brake pedal, replace the brake switch with a new one.
1. Disconnect the brake switch connector.
2. Verify that th ...