Mazda 3 manuals

Mazda 3 Owners Manual: Driving Tips

Theft-Deterrent Labels
A label indicating that your vehicle is equipped with a Theft-Deterrent System is in the glove compartment. Mazda recommends that you affix it to the lower rear corner of a front door window ...

Break-In Period
No special break-in is necessary, but a few precautions in the first 1,000 km (600 miles) may add to the performance, economy, and life of the vehicle. Do not race the engine. Do not maintain ...

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Identification Numbers
Vehicle Identification Number The vehicle identification number legally identifies your vehicle. The number is on a plate attached to the cowl panel located on the left corner of the dashboard. This plate can easily be seen through the windshield Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Label (U.S.A. ...

Battery Replacement
If the buttons on the transmitter are inoperable and the operation indicator light does not flash, the battery may be dead. Replace with a new battery before the transmitter becomes unusable. CAUTION Make sure the battery is installed correctly. Battery leakage could occur if ...

Rear Speaker Inspection
4SD 1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.. 2. Remove the following parts: a. Rear seat cushion. b. Rear scuff plate. c. Tire house trim. d. C-pillar trim. e. Rear package trim. f. Rear speaker. 3. Verify the resistance between the rear speaker terminals. If not withi ...

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